About Lael

Hi, my name is Lael. I am glad you stopped by my page and wanted to learn a bit more about me.

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I am no expert and don’t claim to be. I believe in education for education’s sake. And because learning is fun.

Personality-wise, I am an introvert (a quality I now consider a strength).  I work to maintain a joy of creating and sense of wonder while ignoring the critic in my head.

In my free-time, I love spending time with my family, traveling, reading, laughing, and learning. I consider myself a student of many things, but an expert of little. As a lifelong student, my preferred fashion style is starving college student: pony tail, jeans, t-shirt, and Converse sneakers. My latest passion is photography. And, boy, do I have a lot to learn.

I am an imperfect person saved by grace seeking God daily and failing almost constantly. I am striving to be more transparent in all areas of my life.

I am loved by my best friend, husband extraordinaire, father of my children, man who can always make me smile and love of my life. That’s his official title, but I just call him Alex. 😉

As a parent, I have learned how selfish and lazy I really am. Nothing like a baby waking you up all night to realize how much I love time to myself and sleep.

Oh and I am a wanna-be foodie and a lazy housekeeper.

So welcome.

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